Deadline: 26 Januari 2011
SKY BATTLE 2011, acara olahraga yang diselenggarakan oleh SMA Labschool Kebayoran (LABSKY), Jakarta Selatan. Acaranya tanggal 5 februari 2011- 12 februari 2011. Untuk wall climbnya sendiri diadain tanggal 10 (penyisihan putra) – 11 (penyisihan putri & final).
- Sistem yang digunakan adalah difficult, kategori terbagi menjadi kategori putra dan putri.
- Pendaftaran dibuka dari hari senin- jumat jam 12siang-4sore.
- Biaya pendaftaran Rp 50.000/peserta.
- THIS IS OPEN FOR PUBLIC. jadi, untuk sekolah-sekolah yang kebetulan nggak dapet undangan dari panitia, gak apa-apa langsung dateng aja ke labsky untuk daftar (selama peserta adalah siswa SMA se-JABODETABEK) =)
- Bagi yang berminat ikut lomba panjat dinding silahkan kontak ke 081585939403 dengan TIKA. ntar bakalan ada info lebih lanjut…
Hubungi tika (081585939403)
Atau datang ke sekretariat OSIS SMA Labsky
Jl. K.H. Ahmad Dahlan no. 14, kebayoran baru, jakarta selatan
Deket mayestik dan taman langsat
Hubungi tika (081585939403)
Atau datang ke sekretariat OSIS SMA Labsky
Jl. K.H. Ahmad Dahlan no. 14, kebayoran baru, jakarta selatan
Deket mayestik dan taman langsat
P.S : pendaftaran ditutup tanggal 26 januari (6 HARI LAGI). makanya jangan lupa buruan daftar!!!
in english :
Deadline: January 26, 2011
SKY BATTLE 2011, sporting events organized by the SMALabschool Kebayoran (LABSKY), South Jakarta. Her show on 5February 2011-12 February 2011. For climbnya own wall diadaindate 10 (allowance son) - 11 (allowance for daughter & final).
The system used is Difficult, the categories are divided intocategories of men and women.
Registration is open from Monday-Friday at 12siang-4sore.
Registration fee is 50.000/peserta.
THIS IS OPEN FOR PUBLIC. so, for schools that do not happen toget an invitation from the organizers, it's okay to labsky wrote camedirectly to the list (as long as participants are high school studentsa JABODETABEK) =)
For those interested to join the race climbing wall please contact to081585939403 with TIKA. Ntar going to have more info ...
Contact When (081585939403)
Or come to a high school student council secretariat Labsky
Jl. K.H. Ahmad Dahlan no. 14, Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta
Deket Mayestik and garden complexioned
PS: registration closed on 26 January (6 DAYS). so do not forget to hunt list!
SKY BATTLE 2011, sporting events organized by the SMALabschool Kebayoran (LABSKY), South Jakarta. Her show on 5February 2011-12 February 2011. For climbnya own wall diadaindate 10 (allowance son) - 11 (allowance for daughter & final).
The system used is Difficult, the categories are divided intocategories of men and women.
Registration is open from Monday-Friday at 12siang-4sore.
Registration fee is 50.000/peserta.
THIS IS OPEN FOR PUBLIC. so, for schools that do not happen toget an invitation from the organizers, it's okay to labsky wrote camedirectly to the list (as long as participants are high school studentsa JABODETABEK) =)
For those interested to join the race climbing wall please contact to081585939403 with TIKA. Ntar going to have more info ...
Contact When (081585939403)
Or come to a high school student council secretariat Labsky
Jl. K.H. Ahmad Dahlan no. 14, Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta
Deket Mayestik and garden complexioned
PS: registration closed on 26 January (6 DAYS). so do not forget to hunt list!
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